Replacing a Liquidator
As you probably know already the liquidator, whether he is a family member or a certified notary, has certain responsibilities and obligations with regards to the Estate.
An inventory of the Estate must be produced and communicated to all heirs. The inventory must indicate all real estate owned by the Estate, all revenues generated by said real estate, a description and accounting of all cash, bank accounts, investment instruments, a listing of all jewelry, paintings and anything else that could be included in an Estate.
According to the law the liquidator must publish a notice of closure of inventory and it must also be published in a newspaper circulating in the locality where the deceased had his/her last known address.
Aside from the notice of closure the Liquidator must:
1. Identify all the heirs and the legatees in order to inform them of their rights in virtue of the will.
2. Take the necessary steps to recover and enforce any debts owed to the deceased, and the liquidator must also pay the debts of the deceased;
3. Ensure that all Certificates are obtained from tax authorities including Revenu Quebec and Canada Revenue Agency clearing the Estate of any fiscal obligations.
We can help you determine if the liquidator is not fulfilling his role, and help you apply to the Court in order to have the liquidator destituted and replaced.
If you notice that the luqidator is dilapidating the value of the Estate you need to act NOW!
At the Law Offices of Samuel Cohen, we stand ready to assist in helping you navigate the Quebec court system to get you what you deserve..
We provide advice on replacement of Liquidators and represent clients regularly in this field.
Contact us to start discussions about your rights to an Estate.
The earlier you contact us and begin to plan to protect your rights to an estate, the more options we will have to protect everyone you love and everything you own.
Sign up for a free consultation with Samuel Cohen and see how we can protect you and your family.